打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:有滋味(双语版)第41期:新月照,帘幕卷 今夕是何年
2022-11-04 15:13
来源: 打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网

打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:有滋味(双语版)第41期:新月照,帘幕卷 今夕是何年



By our hands, into our heart, we will practice the traditional crafts and find out the wisdom and creativity of Chinese ancestors. In Handicraft Experience Shop, you try the movable type printing technique of the Four Great Inventions and print your favorite ancient poetry. 

Look, those square characters with "shape, sound and meaning" are all arranged from right to left and finally make a whole poem. With a brush dipped in ink, you can evenly brush all ink on the arranged fonts. Then, the paper is spread flat on the top, stabled with a magnet paperweight, and those characters have been printed evenly on the paper with the pressure of a roller.

手工体验馆活字印刷术体验工具已备好。(李丹璐 摄)

待会就要在这小小的宣纸上印一首古诗。(李丹璐 摄)

外籍嘉宾Alya滚筒将油墨印在宣纸上。(李丹璐 摄)

一首《鹿柴》已印刷完毕。(李丹璐 摄)

就是这套活字印刷术的工具,让文化和汉字得以传承,生生不息。(李丹璐 摄)

将成品装在相框里。(李丹璐 摄)

猜猜看,这小小的布袋里是什么?(李丹璐 摄)

[编辑:吴超 周斐斐] [责任编辑:郑晓鹏]